Thank you very much for your patience during our move to new web system that is also directly connected to our information system (IS), so we can always show you our exact stock situation of each product. Since the architecture of all three systems (new web, old web and our IS) is very different, we could not simply take over all customer's profiles with all your order history, list of favourite products etc. We faced another problem with names, addresses or company names and correct putting them together from web system to our IS. Each country has very different length of street addresses, so it always complicates things ....
IMPORTANT: if you never placed an order in our previous webshop, you do not have to ask for a password - it will not work. In this case please create a new account. Thank you.
In order to get your new password and your profile please follow these steps (it is VITAL to use the same e-mail you used before in our old webshop!):
1. Go to the page with login. In section "Get a New Passowrd" type your e-mail and click on the button below.
2. Soon you shall receive an e-mail with instructions how to get a new password (this step is a verification of your existing e-mail). Click on the shown link and after a short while you will receive another e-mail with new random password.
3. When you have new password, copy it to your clipboard (or write it somwhere) and click on the button to log in.
4. Now you can log in with your e-mail and new password (paste it from your clipboard or type it manually).
5. Now you are successfully logged in and either you can keep this new password or you can change it here.
6. The very last step is checking of your profile. Please fill in all missing information (name, address, company name, VAT ID) or make any necessary corrections and then save all the changes.
Now you are all set up. If your personal discount is wrong, please contact us as soon as you can, we will check it and correct it. We sincerely hope that you will like our new wesbite, you have many filtering options there, when you are logged in you can use functions like "Favourites", "Watchdog", you can download actual price list in XLS file, in order history section you can generate a backorder (= a list of all ordered products that we have not delivered to you yet), you will also see in a simple graphics a status of each order ....
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. If you encounter any error, please inform us so we can make it right for you or to help you.